Decoration MIRAN


MIRAN produces ready decorated plastic packaging. Our decoration capabilities: full color printing, silk screen printing, foiling, pad printing, IM3D.

Full color eco-friendly printing. Unique world technology of direct digital printing - only MIRAN! A new way of decorating on cylindrical bottles.

Using this technology you get the opportunity: 

Объемная печать шрифт Брайля.jpg
1. To discard the label, since printing allows you to apply a full color image.

2. To buy small lots of ready-to-fill packaging (for example, to launch limited collections or seasonal new items).

3. To print a volumetric image (for example, brand name, series, separate element) with the desired degree of convexity.

4. To produce socially-oriented products for the blind with Braille.

5. To reduce stocks of labels and bottles of the same name, due to the low minimum lot for printing.

To produce test samples quickly.

7. To change the layout in the event of a change in the design or composition of the product quickly. 

Full color printing is characterized by:

1. High adhesion, including printing on soft-touch surface.

2. An opportunity to adjust a color rendition (a white substrate is applied on color bottles that`s why the drawing don`t change the color).

3. The ability to print without gaps.

4. Environmental-friendly, since the weight of the ink is negligible compared to the weight of the bottle and does not affect the possibility of processing unlike labels (bottles with some types of labels cannot be recycled, only disposal).   

Полноцветная эко-печать.jpg Полноцветная печать на флаконах Сити-400.jpg

Silk screen printing (up to 6 colors) is drawn on all shapes of products on:

  • cylindrical bottles;Флаконы Estel сложная форма и шелкография.jpg
  • flat bottles;
  • jars.
Printing by screen printing method is characterized by high colorfulness and coverage, is resistant to mechanical impact. It allows you to avoid such label problems as bubbling, flaking, uneven sticker. A packaging with silk screen printing is ready to be filled with a cosmetic product.

In addition to the usual colors in silk-screen printing can be used:

  • metallic colors (including gold and silver), 
  • varnish,
  • bulk varnish,
  • gradient printing (applying raster monochrome images), 
  • thermochromic paints (price and terms are negotiated individually for the project),
  • fluorescent paints (price and terms are negotiated individually for the project). 

Шелкография серебром флакон Футура.jpg Объемный лак Сити-250-400.jpg

Foiling (hot stamping):
  • bottles and jars;
  • caps and closures.

The foil can be applied completely on a cliché or on the entire surface (for example, a jar closure or a cap body). If the project involves application of a specific image, logo or strip, you need a cliche. The cliché is ordered individually for the project and is included in a service price. 

Gold and silver foil are always in stock. Color foil is also available (check availability of the color or order your own color).

Фольгирование на флаконах Estel.jpg фольга.jpg


Pad Printing - decorating method, which allows to transfer an image using tampon from the cliche onto an item being printed.

Using the pad printing method, you can apply an image on volume surfaces, as well as on curved or hard-to-get places of products.

Тампо2.jpg Тампо.jpg

IM3D – world unique technology of in-mould decoration. The technology is based on special MERCK 3D-pigments and unique production technology.


  • Unique decoration, which has no analogues in the world.
  • Your products will not just stand out - it will look completely different.
  • Protection against counterfeit and imitation. If your competitors directly copy you or produce projects with similar design that eat up part of your sales, then faking an IM3D packaging is impossible.
  • Branding of all products, series, line. With this technology, you can apply a series logo or drawing.

IM3D 2019 для роллапа.jpg Флаконы и банки 3Deco.jpg

How to order decorated?

  • to choose some bottle or jar from our catalog;
  • to send us final design of your future image with silk screen printing and specify colors or foil colors;
  • to agree the final design, which will be sent to you by email;
  • to agree a control sample of the product with silk screen printing, foiling, pad printing.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information about decoration possibilities of your projects!

Tel.:+375 (17) 591 02 85


Для раздела Декорирование.jpg


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